
My House Stands in Silence

by Ranjini Sivaswamy

We are about to sell our house. We will move away and our house will stand there in silence. Just a building it might be, but what if it will yearn to see us? Ranjini Sivaswamy pens a poem.

There’s no other place on earth she spent more time in, my mother
I don’t know how she’ll turn around and walk away, knowing that it’ll be the last time.

My sister, the middle one, will tell stories after stories to her children about our home
She’ll keep the house alive, like it still belonged to us
While the youngest will never ever talk about it
There’s a place in her heart, for tears, that she refuses to share with anyone
Our home will find a place there.

My strongest memory of my father and the house is
Of him standing precariously on the walls,
Watering the concrete, letting not an inch go dry
He stood witness to every stone being put together, every bit that became this house
My father will not sleep, for nights together.

I will not have the heart to come to the city
Knowing I cannot come home
But, my dear house,
What if you’ll yearn to see one of us?
And say, that you wished we came home
That you didn’t know why we couldn’t save you
Why we let us give you away
And walked, while you stood in silence.

I will come,
To see you from the corner of the street.
I will.

Picture from under CC license

Ranjini Sivaswamy is an independent writer and communications consultant. She is currently the Chief Storyteller at Buzz India, communicating the empowerment stories of rural women. Her stories have been shared through many digital platforms, some of the most impactful among them can be read at The Better India.
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