
Theru Koothu

When differing dreams coexist in the same space, passion oscillates between the comforting embrace of the familiar and the beckoning arms of the unfamiliar, often coming to a rest when one least expects it. Praveena writes the story of Malarvizhi, a teenager in Chennai.


Praveena’s story describes a troubled mind that finds succour in a relationship so deep that it is hard to delineate the real from the imagined, where friendship is more unspoken than spoken and experiences more dependent on than independent of reality


Praveena’s prose poem is the internal monologue of an individual exploring identity and sexuality in a society that sees and yet doesn’t see the struggle for this space, and how choice, often always silent, even in the smallest acts, plays out in everyday life.


A road accident unravels the many layers of love, anger and marriage, and of words spoken too soon or not at all. Komorebi is a love story of sorts, but one seen through the retrospective lens of guilt and regret.