
Musings on my Morning Walk

Chandramohan Nair reflects on his brief morning walk, which is the only time each day he opens his eyes to the world around him, and which puts him in the right frame of mind for the rest of the day.

The Everyday Passion Of Alok Kumar Singh

Chandramohan Nair writes about his acquaintance with a man from a small village in Bihar, who makes him ponder about passion, the purpose of life, and thwarted potential. 

The End Of a Wait

Chandramohan Nair recollects his brief revelatory conversation with his father over evening tea.

École du Bois de la Cambre

Chandramohan Nair recollects his two years at a French-medium school in Brussels when his struggles of coping with a new culture and language were greatly eased by some wonderfully supportive classmates.

Sailing Through Life

Chandramohan Nair muses on the life-enriching nature of journeys without a destination as epitomised by the unusual sailing voyage of an Australian linguist.

Some Memories From My Mostly Miserable Summers

With a few exceptions, Chandramohan Nair’s summer experiences have been stressful. He recounts some of them in this piece.


Chandramohan Nair can’t help feeling that he didn’t measure up to the affection and loyalty displayed by his courageous pet dog.

A Childhood in Zamalek

Chandramohan Nair remembers his childhood days in Zamalek that were full of affection, play and impressionable experiences.

Remembering an Old Sanctuary

Chandramohan Nair remembers the first library he joined – a place where he felt at home and which allowed his imagination to roam free.