

by M.V.L.Narasamamba

Many a time, we travel alone both metaphorically and otherwise, and whenever we do that,  we tend to ruminate over the quality time spent with our loved ones. M.V.L.Narasamamba writes a poem about how we try to fill the gaps that are within and next to us.

I am a
Lone traveller
And apathetic
About autumns
And falls;
I just
Tie only one
Tiny song
To my baggage
To sing aloud;
Anyway dense shades
Of your memories
Spread on
Either side
Of the road
Are caravan
For me.

M.V.L.Narasamamba is an ex-banker from Bangalore. She loves chess, music and poetry. She has been writing for the last thirty five years. Her writings have been published in induswomanwriting and efictionIndia magazine.
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