

by Jean Bonin

Inspired by Tom Petty’s words, ‘The waiting is the hardest part’, Jean Bonin pens a verse about what it means to wait for things one has no control over, things like growing up.

She was millions
of mundane moments
squeezed and pressed
until she was cherry ripe,
ready. Crimson sweet,
blooming and blushing,
bursting at the seams,
ready to explode
to split wide open.
To crazily kaleidoscope
out of control
until she was
falling down dizzy
teetering on the edge
of spiralling
into every sin
that she’d ever
been warned about.
A better option than implosion,
she thought
Nothing could be worse
than being sucked
into the numbness
of mediocrity,
by circumstance –
Begging for Time
to swallow her
and regurgitate her
on the other side of
adolescent awkwardness,
or the afterlife
fully breasted
and once again
in her right mind.

Jean Bonin is a farmer and a philosopher poet who thrives in the sunshine, and who tolerates the snow of the Alberta prairie. Jean loves words from both sides of the ink. At a very young age she discovered writing poetry to be an effective life therapy. Over the years Jean has had several of her meditations and poems published.

Read previous post:
Like A Chakora Bird, Waiting

In this poem, M. Mohankumar pens the feelings of a young man waiting for a woman on a moonless night.
