
The Silence that I Seek

by Anupama Krishnakumar

Spells of perfect silence are brief and elusive like the dew that slips off a leaf. Anupama Krishnakumar writes a poem on the elusive silence that leaves her wonderstruck.

Those brief spaces of quiet that exist
between the gentle rustle of leaves

The silence that methodically recurs
between the drip-drip of dripping water

The dark stillness that grips a pitch-black night
descending nonchalantly on souls fast asleep

The quiet that marks the culmination of
a temple bell’s prolonged intense drone

These spells of silence, these brief pauses
punctuating the endless monotony of chaos

It’s this comforting quiet I seek
This enticing silence I seek

Ah, but how easily this stillness eludes me
Like the legendary love of the fairy tales

Like the dew that seems to have found its place
but slides off a leaf in a most unexpected moment

Anupama Krishnakumar loves Physics and English and managed to get degrees in both – studying Engineering and then Journalism. Yet, as she discovered a few years ago, it is the written word that delights her soul and so here she is, doing what she loves to do – spinning tales for her small audience and for her little son, singing lullabies to her little daughter, bringing together a lovely team of creative people and spearheading Spark. She loves books, music, notebooks and colour pens and truly admires simplicity in anything! Her website titled ‘Life is Like That’ can be viewed at


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