by Anjana Prabhu

Like the beginning of that tread, To a distant unknown path, Which paved the way for that dream, Where my life and smiles reside.

The journey of thousand laughs, Begins with a toothless smile, This alone can disarm, The cruelest of a man alive.

The clouds bathed me on that dawn, Infusing me with pure bliss, Letting the fragrance melt with me, To shower the day with colours.

The other side I see, With clouds full of glee, Waiting for the time to come, To come back home to happiness.

Suspended in time, On the tip of life, The pregnant drops stirred away, To bless the earth with greens.

In this circle of yes and nos, In this tale of love and loss, Like churning smiles and laughs, Out of the ocean of life.
Anjana Prabhu is a neuroscience research student in the UK, and often gets lost in beauty, thoughts or both almost all the time; sometimes she feels she is an alien on earth!
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