Sudha Nair tells the story of a young widow, Meera, who battles with the memory of a secret she wishes she had never known.
Sudha Nair tells the story of a woman whose boring life of regular sounds, voices and bustle is changed by a serendipitous encounter.
Why is it that sometimes that little chance at freedom is all you have, all you want at the time? Sudha Nair captures one such memory in the life of a young girl.
A Commissioner is very formidable when it comes to dealing with men at work but she faces a very different scene back home. Sudha Nair tells the story of this powerful yet sensitive woman.
Meera was single, thirty and hopelessly shy when it came to the opposite sex. When Vivek walked into her office, she realised that she just had to listen to her heart. Sudha Nair writes a short story.
Ammu, married only six months to Manoj, who lives in another country, longs to know him better. The muted conversations they have on the phone as his parents sit listening around her aren’t helping. A mobile phone comes to the rescue. Sudha Nair tells us how.
Sudha Nair tells the story of an ageing patriarch, Shankar, who fondly remembers the gramophone that was gifted by his wife.
Sudha Nair’s story depicts the insecurities and uncertainties of life on the street. A street vendor finds his life take an unexpected twist after a chance encounter.
Food plays a poignant role in Mira’s life, symbolising the love, comfort and security of home. When a new chapter in her life causes upheaval and threatens to cast a shadow of gloom over her happiness, will she be able to provide nourishment to her soul? Sudha Nair’s story has the answer.