Eighteen-year-old Mayukh unexpectedly bumps into Rakesh Verma, an astronaut who has been missing since his space mission to the moon in 1989. Parth Pandya tells the story of how Mayukh familiarises the man from space on India as it is today.
There are as much miseries – vices and longings, as the number and variety of people in this world. Parth Pandya’s poem structured in the form of a chain of events involving different people, attempts to capture the dark side of human life.
The city hates Nature, says Parth Pandya, in his poem that highlights the constant struggle going on between the two.
What does the day look like for a busy street? Parth Pandya tells us the story of one of the hundred M.G.Roads in India.
At the heart of Nishtha’s dream that literally keeps her going is Vikrant Kapoor aka Vik. Who is Vik? What is Nishta’s dream all about? Where does her dream take her? Parth Pandya’s story about a woman who alternates between two worlds has the answers.
Two people deeply in love, merge and transform into the five elements of nature namely Wind, Earth, Fire, Water and Ether. Parth Pandya’s poetry marries romance to the five elements.
Four different places, four different pairs of people – one common setting. Two chairs across a table and a solitary object between them. Parth Pandya writes four small stories around this theme.
When Parth Pandya revisits the city of his childhood, Mumbai, he realizes as he steps into the footprints he made, things around have changed. And the thoughts come rushing and take shape in a poem.
THE LOUNGE | SLICE OF LIFE For a cricket fan who worships Sachin Trendulkar, what could be better than watching a high quality test match where the God plays on his home turf? Cricket maniac Parth Pandya chronicles his day watching the second test of the India-England series in Mumbai, with photos from his camera.