Desire is what brought this world into existence and desires are those that drive life on this planet. M. Mohankumar shares his thoughts through a poem on the waves of desire.
An attempt at making truce is met by hesitation and later, rejection. A poem on disputed land by M. Mohankumar.
There are two reasons why someone’s face shouldn’t be compared to the moon. One before the volte-face and one after. M. Mohankumar’s poem tells you more.
What does it mean to be free? M.Mohankumar weaves a poem that presents his thoughts on true freedom.
When it comes to making choices, true freedom is about having the right to choose or not to choose. M. Mohankumar brings out this important truth subtly through his poem.
If you thought freedom from gossip mongers was all about shutting oneself up from the world, think again. M. Mohankumar’s terse poem tells you why.
M. Mohankumar’s poem is a poet’s musing on a conversation between two people that stops suddenly when they spot the poet at the doorway. Read on.
Two men revisit their school days and dwell on a teacher who taught one of them a valuable lesson for life. The Teacher, a poem by M. Mohankumar is about that conversation.
Two men meet by chance and a comical conversation ensues. M. Mohankumar captures the dialogue through a poem.