
The Mystery and Magic of Harry Potter

When one thinks of Harry Potter, the acclaimed wizard boy from J.K.Rowling’s ‘Harry Potter’ series, the mind effortlessly conjures the image of a certain bespectacled, serious-looking boy, thanks to the books having been given a visual form through seven brilliant movies. Varsha Sreenivasan writes an interesting conversation featuring Harry and a certain ‘Curious Spark’ who is an excited, curious and die-hard fan of Harry Potter.


Moving images make up a movie. Having said that, how can we forget its precedent – the still images? Sandhya Ramachandran pays a tribute to the photographs through a poem.


Nick, a die-hard ‘Star Wars’ fan has all that he had wanted of life and even more. One fine day, an epiphany occurs and life isn’t the same again. Based on the premise that there is a force that binds the universe, all pervading and omnipresent and that this force can be realised and utilised by a person to his advantage and/or for the community’s benefit or can also be used for dark side or evil, Preeti Madhusudhan writes a story around the popular movie, Star Wars.

Entwined Worlds

Fantasies unleashed. Sayandev Paul writes a poem on the entwined worlds of cinema and reality.