

Indu Parvathi’s verse weaves in the theme of escape by capturing the scene at a park one evening.

I Am Not a Minimalist!

Indu Parvathi’s poem speaks about the tumbling ocean that surrounds her – an ocean of things that she has shopped for and collected over years.


Indu Parvathi’s poem captures a hilarious, real life moment from a morning assembly.


An old woman who has spent all her life in her ancestral home in Kerala tells us how her home used to be one with her- living and breathing with her in the verdant environs. When she returns after a brief stay with her son in a distant metropolis she finds her old home struggling for breath in its altered surroundings. How will they – the house and the old woman – overcome this difficult situation? Indu Parvathi writes a short story.


Blossom has the difficult task of clearing her mother’s cottage after the latter’s passing on. Memories of her growing up there haunt her as she goes about her task, but she comes across a past she doesn’t anticipate. Indu Parvathi tells the story in ‘Anamnesis’.


When people move out of India to live abroad, they unconsciously carry their motherland as memories and wear their Indian-ness like an outer skin, points out Indu Parvathi through her poem that touches upon transporters – the people who carry their motherland abroad and try to recreate it in foreign locales.