
Spark – February 2012 Issue

We welcome our third year of publishing with a positive theme, full of hope and fun! Yes, the theme this month is ‘Happy Beginnings , Happy Endings’ , and we at Spark, have tried to convey the very essence of this concept through enjoyable fiction, non-fiction, poetry, art and photography! Adding to the fun and optimism, are wonderful interviews with four very inspiring and more importantly, really young entrepreneurs. Please click here to read the issue on our e-reader, ISSUU, or to download the issue as a colourful PDF!

Spark – January 2012 – 2nd Anniversary Issue

Dear Reader, We feel extremely proud and delighted to present the second anniversary issue of Spark. Spark is two years old today and what a spectacular journey it has been so far! Thank you very much for all your support. What’s more interesting is that this is also our 25th issue – a key milestone for us. The theme for this month is ‘Celebrating 25 Issues of Spark’. As a tribute to the 25 issues of Spark published till date and as a special issue celebrating the second anniversary of Spark, 25 contributors take up each of the 25 themes and convey their essence through art, photography, fiction, non-fiction and poetry. We hope you enjoy this issue and as always we are counting on you to spread the word about Spark. Please click here to access the anniversary special issue on the e-reader, ISSUU, or to download the issue as a PDF.