Dear reader,
We’re thrilled! Spark is TEN years old! That’s 120 issues that we’ve put out on the 5th of every month since January 2010. In these ten years, we’ve featured fiction, non-fiction, poetry, art, photography and interviews on a wide range of themes that evoke emotions of many kinds. Anupama and Vani have had an exciting, interesting journey that has helped us learn much along the way. All thanks to you!
The driving force behind Spark’s successful completion of ten years is passion. So we thought the theme #DrivenByPassion would be apt to celebrate Spark’s tenth anniversary.
Read fiction, non-fiction and poetry on the theme, and immerse yourself in art and photography that pay tribute to passion in diverse forms.
Another special treat for you this month is five interviews of individuals who demonstrate passion in their work and creative endeavours. Read the interviews of birding enthusiast AM Aravind, food and culture raconteur Rakesh Raghunathan, film buff and reviewer, Ranjani Krishnakumar, garden artist Subhashini Chandramani and the two women behind the podcast ‘Fat. So?’, Ameya Nagarajan and Pallavi Nath.
We hope you enjoy this special issue that we’ve put together! Once again, a million thanks to you for being our overt or silent supporters – we couldn’t have done it without you. We look forward to your continued support in the coming years.
Cheers, Anupama and Vani