
My Sole-Mate

by Divya Ananth

Divya Ananth pens a poetic tribute to a pair of footwear – a friend through myriad journeys.

Remembering the first time I saw you
Entwining lace, enticing face,
Bewitching Black Beauty
Perched high on a rack

You bit me so hard
And I cursed you with all my heart…
Yet, you walked with me, ran with me,
Sometimes you played silly games
Making me trip and fall

Forever with me,
Through rain and shine, heat and mud,
Over puddles, on lawns,
Across continents, across boundaries,
The lilt in my step you knew,
Sometimes the long, sad trudge too

Age has crept in and the wrinkles show,
The lovely block heels, now frail,
The charming young face, now tired,
Your journeys are over
But I still have a long way to go

I look fondly at you,
The places you’ve been to,
The paths you’ve kissed,
The heat you’ve borne,
The dirt you’ve worn,
As I slip into another pair,
I realize I’ve grown.

Divya Ananth is an advertising copywriter – a creative consultant. She simply loves to travel, and Carnatic music is her anchor in an otherwise crazy life. She’s also a busy mom of two adorable boys, and juggles cricket and tennis classes, organizes play dates and reads Geronimo Stilton with them. Writing, to her, is an intimately joyful experience.

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