
Flowers Grow on the Moon/Tiger in Cloud ships/Sun Snakes

by Stephen Philip Druce

Stephen Philip Druce writes three poems that are sure to tickle your imagination.

Flowers Grow On The Moon

Laced velvet pink, bee-stitched
celestial lemon rays to un-thirst
litter-wizened thorn dust
in stemmed prayer,

ice flake trample crimson collide
apple fleet – trumpet panther light,

quickened jet peach, soft thunder shuffle
lilac, old turn liquor pouring chalk,

bloom barking seed rainbow orchards,
unclasped waterfall of cherry-winged
blueberry swans stroking the void,
the marble earth,

the unknown us.

Tigers in Cloud Ships

Clad in spiked plummet –
stilled vapour rip
as cotton ball angels drift,

sail scratch prowl –
circle bird cluster
in snow coat applause,

suited cream orchestras
abandon scarred circus skies
in chorus salute,

and tigers in cloud ships
roar unmanned –
their sweetest melody.

Sun Snakes

Stirring sword tongues brew
coiling crackle blaze gaudy,

choking rattle slither-peppered
pierce scorch and grip,

splashing bowl of sticky twitching
poison fire sip –

and the sun snakes shout,
they hiss and shout – keep out!

Stephen Philip Druce is a poet from Shrewsbury in the UK. He has been previously published in Cake, Muse, The Taj Mahal Review, Ink Sweat and Tears and other literary journals.
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