
The Speaking Tree

An old yet mighty mango tree tells the tale of a day in its life, and through it, the story of its journey and its very nature. A poem by Anupama Krishnakumar.

The Weeping Fig

Devi Dang’s sonnet unveils the journey of a decrepit, yet enchanted tree. It once flourished with the magic of stories but is now dying as humans cut down more forests. Although the tree continues to struggle, the poem suggests that there is still hope, which lies in the innocence of children who still believe in enchanted forests.

The Evergreen Tamarind Tree

JGeorge’s poem speaks about her childhood memories around an evergreen tamarind tree that stood in the backyard of her ancestral home and always in the front lane of her reveries.

Venus, Error Code 101

Mankind has been looking up and reaching for the stars probably just after he descended from trees. Towers and monoliths were created over the centuries to help him achieve this lofty goal. In recent times, we have progressed enough to not only propel ourselves through space, but also send replicants of us who can withstand the harsh unknown of interstellar travel. Robin Ray writes a poem on a journey through space.

Smell of Fish

Annapurna writes a poem about an old woman whose only desire is to eat fish. The poem traces the woman’s journey since childhood and speaks about how she wishes to end this mortal journey.

Feel the Road

Tabish’s poem is about the dual nature of journeys. One that takes place on the surface, and another that takes us to our own selves, and helps us understand the higher purpose of our lives. The poem highlights that even though death is inevitable, it is important to set a destination beyond it and make the journey of life a meaningful one.

My Grandmother’s Journey

Soumya Hegde writes a poem on the longing one feels for a lost love. An old woman still thinks of a man she had fallen in love with during a train journey years ago. No matter how short-lived, this first love haunts her even in her twilight years.


Mohankumar pens a poem about a long and difficult journey of exploration undertaken by a team of explorers, their joy of discovery at the end of it, and how this would provide the impetus for such worthwhile activities in the future.

A Fiery Summer

Summertime is mostly characterized by harsh and unforgivable weather. In this poem, ARTOHUS explores the oppressive nature of summer and equates it with that of our present times.