
A Tale of Two Kiddies

Bringing up a child is fun as well as daunting for parents. And when you are handling two children, many new equations come into play. Parth Pandya shares his experience of parenting two kids. Here’s something that many parents are sure to relate to. Read on.

India – In Search of an Identity

Preeti Madhusudan believes the architecture of Indian hill-stations need a radical revamp. Read on to know why.

Maid of Honour

Here’s an interesting conversation between a small girl who has been raised abroad and her mother who is from India. She can’t imagine someone else folding her laundry and surprisingly neither can her mother, now! Gauri Trivedi tells her story.

Reading India through Foreign Lens

Vibha Sharma lists five books written by non-Indian authors that she thinks come close to capturing the diversity and chaos that is inherent to India.

India at 66 – A Giant Centipede Marches On

P R Viswanathan believes that the idea of Indian unity is different from the European conception of the word. And devolution is the key to the Indian idea of unity, he writes.

Whispers from the Past

As the nation turns 66, Priya Gopal wonders if our celebrations of the Indian spirit of freedom are becoming perfunctory; a trip to the Andamans convinces her that we have begun to take for granted our lives, that many people sacrificed their lives for.

Glorious Diversity

Vinita Agrawal pays tribute to the glorious diversity of India through photographs that capture people from the west to the east.

The Creativity Principle

Was the splendid madness of creation engendered by a Creativity Principle millions of years ago? Tirna Sengupta ponders over creative extravagance and the various forms in which it manifests itself.

To You Two

Anupama Krishnakumar writes to two very important people in her life about the joys associated with love, relationships, family and bonding.