
Ramu’s Tea Stall

Sudha Nair’s story depicts the insecurities and uncertainties of life on the street. A street vendor finds his life take an unexpected twist after a chance encounter.

A Reason for Cheer

Food plays a poignant role in Mira’s life, symbolising the love, comfort and security of home. When a new chapter in her life causes upheaval and threatens to cast a shadow of gloom over her happiness, will she be able to provide nourishment to her soul? Sudha Nair’s story has the answer.

Sugar from the Ration Shop

Young Jillu was once taken to the ration shop by her mother to buy sugar. This got her thinking and questioning her mother on a number of things. Vani Viswanathan tells the story.


Norbu, a shy but nevertheless celebrated cook at the army mess in Dharamshala, has a task at hand today for which he needs to reach McLeod Ganj by noon. Vinita Agrawal pens a story.

Watching Men Pee

Kamatchi is an odd sight on a Chennai road on a sweltering hot afternoon: she is obviously watching men pee, and writing something in her notebook. Vani Viswanathan pens a story.

A Dream In Shackles

At the heart of Nishtha’s dream that literally keeps her going is Vikrant Kapoor aka Vik. Who is Vik? What is Nishta’s dream all about? Where does her dream take her? Parth Pandya’s story about a woman who alternates between two worlds has the answers.

Gender-Boxes of Vanity

As teenagers, what makes us consider a woman beautiful or attractive? And what happens to this definition as we grow up? Aman Chougle pens a story on the narrow perspectives of how men – and the society – view women, and why these narrow definitions might be to our detriment.

Ipshita – The Desired One

Fourteen-year-old Ipshita has questions about her late arrival and her place in the family. Her mother, though not revealing the odds she faced for wanting to have a girl, tells Ipshita exactly how it all happened! The story, by Gauri Trivedi, is an attempt to highlight the fact that even in some well-educated, urban Indian families the girl child is not as welcome as a male child. Read on.

From a Fleeting Image

A cardiac surgeon who can miraculously see into people’s past catches a fleeting image in front of his eyes when he is about to perform a surgery on a patient. The image takes him on a journey with a purpose. What would that be? Madhuri Yelamanchili’s intriguing story gives the answer.