
The Secret Within

Asha’s poem highlights known and unknown secrets. While it reveals an open secret of yore that we are parts of a whole, it also speaks of the struggle of a secret, comparing it to a larva in a cocoon.

‘I Think, Therefore I Am’ Confused!

What is life really about? Why are we living it the way we are? Where does the curiosity to know things begin and what is limiting us? Aditi attempts to unravel the secret of life.

The Burden of Secrets

Life is inherently mysterious and for some specially called upon to be the bearer of its enigmas, the insightful secrets could be a gift whereas the dire ones could be a curse. Mandira Ghissing’s poem is a whimsical take on the extraordinary, almost heroic, effort required of us to carry this burden.


Lalitha Gouri’s poem speaks of love of a universal kind that is usually forgotten in the daily grind of life. This love remains hidden and unaware of its presence within us, we look for it outside of us. But there are moments when it is whispered to us and we realise its strength. When we do, what lay buried inside bursts free.


Nisha is dating a prospective marriage candidate set up by her parents. Social media shows a side to her beau that helps her reach a decision about the man she seems to have fallen in love with. Gargi’s story describes a young woman’s tenuous connection with societal norms of what relationships should be like.

Spark – September 2019 Issue

Who doesn’t like reading or listening to a story well told? At Spark, we celebrate the short story this September. Read through our short and sweet edition this month for a fine selection of stories that capture people in varied situations and how they deal with what life throws at them. We hope you enjoy this issue!

As the Sun Went Down

Aditi’s story explores how as we take sides in a battle of borders, we often forget that the people with guns also have lives they would want to infuse with love, family, protection and safety. No matter what the side, at the end of the day, isn’t humanity losing out in our senseless battle over man-made ideals? What’s the point of all of it? What’s the point of any of it?

The Nathan Sisters

Four sisters get together to form a WhatsApp group. Anupama Krishnakumar writes a story about a special kind of sibling-bonding.

Anandhi’s Dream

Anandhi, a young girl from Chennai at the turn of the millennium, wants to be a sports writer. But that isn’t easy, for more reasons than one. Vani’s story is about a phase in the journey of a young girl who has begun to question gender norms.