
The Final Word

Some of the featured personalities of 2012 share their thoughts on Spark and convey their good wishes on the third anniversary.

As I Wait

The narrator waits longingly for his friend Jo, and is drawn into a flashback that involves lost friendships and disappointment, until Jo came along to make a difference. Anjali Krishna tells us the story of a warm relationship.

Becoming a Bombay Train Girl

Trains are an integral part of any image of Mumbai, and being able to efficiently navigate this convoluted system is a mark that you now ‘truly belong’ and are a ‘Bombay girl.’ Vani Viswanathan describes her journey to truly belonging to the city of dreams.

Association Meeting

In a poem that explores a very interesting theme, Arun Anantharaman captures his perception of the happenings in an apartment complex’s association meeting. Read on.

A Mother, a Son and Spark

Anupama Krishnakumar shares the elation of Spark’s third anniversary with her five-year-old, who in his own way, makes her value the little milestone even more.

Across the Table

Four different places, four different pairs of people – one common setting. Two chairs across a table and a solitary object between them. Parth Pandya writes four small stories around this theme.


How would life have been if everything looked the same? Expression would lose its meaning, and adjectives just wouldn’t matter. Thankfully, reality plays its game differently, and life is made beautiful because variety floods it. S.Harikrishnan captures some of the variety we see in the world through his lens.

Return for Spark

A multitude of ideas and characters from Jeevanjyoti’s earlier stories make an appearance in his special story for the anniversary issue. Read on to rediscover Bincuus (from “The Dream Bandit”, June 2010), the idea of characters telling authors their stories from a different world (from “Requesting an Extension”, July 2010), and Nuovo SPARK (from “‘Autumnal’, Heard of it?”, May 2010 and “Nuovo SPARK”, January 2012).


Everyone desires for a life filled with spark and vigour. However, this spark is elusive – it doesn’t stay on forever in one’s life. Vinita Agrawal writes a poem that describes this spark through situations that are characterised more by its absence than presence or in other words, the dark moments of life when it goes missing.