
A Remedy for Salvation

by Anupam Patra

The guilt of betrayal throbs like a wound, ushers withdrawal and carves a path of endless wait for deliverance for a man. However, as time passes by, he stops looking for deliverance because he learns how immune his guilt is to justifications. Anupam writes the man’s story in verse.

A forest of remorse has covered
the realm of my existence,
deep within whose canopy
sits the wreckage of my shame

an encumbered soul contests
temptations of its own salvation
it no more trusts in acquittal
of a conscience convicted for betrayal

not always does evidence of damage
bring one to judgment
sometimes, guilt is born and raised
in the dreadful abyss of undeserved misery

a decree of time consigns the offender
to wait under clouds of nostalgia
till they shower phantasms
and he becomes tears of past,
gushing from crevices nurturing nibbling regret

drops of reminiscence soak the soft earth
where once her softer feet,
having crossed two continents,
left its enduring print

she had stood at the gates,
digging her toes,
balancing her love against her limit,
split – unsure of walking further

afraid perhaps, of being caught
by smiling portraits of a family
she was hesitant to break;
her heart was breaking simultaneously

tempted by exhaustion and dismay
of a lifetime of loneliness
we had stepped forth

a road from where,
I should have known,
neither of us was meant to return

But I am guilty of lighting fire,
of inflicting burns on her dignity,
for returning, when walking
was the only way forward

the dagger of betrayal
breached her sacred faith
her enduring commitment
at last lay dead

Would forgiveness
rescue a soul marooned
on an island of such guilt?
Is there forgiveness at all
in some hells
we choose upon ourselves?

Anupam was born and raised in Cuttack, Odisha. His debut book ‘Promises of a firefly’ (fiction) was published in June 2017. Besides the recently released anthology ‘100 POEMS ARE NOT ENOUGH’, his poems have been published in Muse India and Spark.
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