by Parth Pandya
The man stakes his search on the street
Pace quick, lest he be recognized
Eyes upward, lest he miss his catch
Meanwhile, the prostitute looks away
To a balcony in a distant building, wondering
Which legit body must live a legit life there
The woman in the silk night gown leans over
And sees people below crawl like ants
Her glass of wine her only company tonight
Juggling his bag of vegetables,
The septuagenarian heads home to his wife
Squeezed in between the teeming masses
The wife, a newly minted grandmother
Reels out, the ways of the old
Hoping her daughter-in-law heeds some
The mother of the baby changes
Dirty diapers while watching
Happy women prancing on the television
The six-month-old stares at the fan above
The ills of the world a mystery to him
He is Siddhartha today, yet to walk the path of The Buddha
Parth Pandya is a passionate Tendulkar fan, diligent minion of the ‘evil empire’, persistent writer at, self-confessed Hindi movie geek, avid quizzer, awesome husband (for lack of a humbler adjective) and a thrilled father of two. He grew up in Mumbai and spent the last eleven years really growing up in the U.S. and is always looking to brighten up his day through good coffee and great puns.