
Spark – March 2017 Issue

As spring blooms, so does hope! This issue of Spark celebrates hope in its myriad forms and colours, with fiction, non-fiction, poetry and photography. We hope you enjoy the issue as much as it inspired us!

Our Almanac

This poem by Agbaakin dissects the anatomy of hope and the sacrifices involved in wanting to live again in a world haunted by blood; which is letting go all hurts and dark memories.

Dissenting with Hope

This is an unlikely story of motherhood, by Debleena. What happens when a mother doesn’t feel like one? Does motherhood bring further dissent into her life or a glimpse of hope?

The Rohingya Girl

Saikat Das’ poem presents the flickers of hope that is still there in the Rohingya community, typified in a little girl amidst the death, desolation and destruction of the entire community by forces antithetical to basic human values.

A Different Shade

Working under the shadow of his illustrious family, an artist vacillates between hope and despair. Malcolm Carvalho tells the story.

The Many Avatars of Hope

Hope surrounds us in many avatars, says Harshal through his photographs.

The Hope Seekers and a Storyteller

Anupama Krishnakumar writes a piece of fiction that expresses her belief that stories are powerful sources of hope in today’s troubled world.

Tomorrow is Another Day

Hope sustains all our endeavors however trivial or grave they may be, writes Sudha Ratnam. In its myriad manifestations, Hope keeps the stream of life ebullient.

The Bud & the Bough

A new bud blooms on a bough. A new life comes to the world with hope. This poem by Parminder Singh contrasts the role played by ‘hope’ and ‘expectations’ as a new life enters the world.