
Letter from Darjeeling

Amritha is a new mother, desperately trying to cope with the arduous challenges of motherhood. Between the constant demands of a wailing baby, no one to turn to for help and support and an overwhelming sense of exhaustion, she’s almost at her wits end when a letter arrives from Darjeeling.


Letters could be companions in loneliness by invoking memories, stresses Jyothsnaphanija, through her poem. Read on.

Too Much To Lose

A woman faces the prospect of selling her house, when a letter from her late husband sets her off on a new plan to save it. Sudha Nair tells the story.

Reminiscences of a Mailbox

In this era of smartphones where messages and mails have literally got the curtains down on the art of handwritten letters, what has happened of the mailbox? What must be its state of mind now that it is more or less out of job and no one even bothers to give a second look? Rajlakshmi Pillai writes an article on the mailbox’s perspective.