

The bond that a child shares with her mother is characterized by assurance – the child’s instinctive belief that there could be no safer place in this world that a mother’s arms, writes M. Mohankumar in his poem.

In Defence of Parents

There are odes written to childhood, but hardly anything for parenthood. Parth Pandya talks about why it can seem so hard, but why, at the end of the day, you might just turn out okay.

Fatherly Words

A father writes a letter to his son, telling him things and expressing feelings he never has before. Soorej P writes.

Summertime Dreams

During childhood, summertime is all about dreams – of varied kinds. Dreams without fears. Can’t summertime dreams last an entire lifetime? Debleena Majumdar raises a desperate question in her poem.

The Gali Gali Man

THE LOUNGE | SLICE OF LIFE Aboard a ship at anchor, an Egyptian folk magician keeps an audience enthralled. Chandrashekhar Sastry gives us the experience through his magical words.