
A War of Words!

THE LOUNGE | TURN OF THE PAGE ‘Move aside Jhumpa Lahiri, Ms. Chung is here. Or is she?’ wonders Gauri Trivedi in this book review of Forgotten Country by Catherine Chung. Rich in descriptions about Korean culture, the book however misses one key aspect Gauri considers vital to books about the life of immigrants. Read on to find out more.

True Knowledge

THE LOUNGE | INNER JOURNEY In his column on spirituality, Viswanathan Subramanian has thus far discussed ego and how memory or thoughts are the root cause of all troubles in the world, particularly human relationships. He has also raised several crucial questions such as ‘Are you the world?’ and ‘Does the world really exist?’ discussing them in the context of Ulladhu Narpadhu (Forty Verses of Reality) by Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharishi. Continuing with the series, the next step is to comprehend what is true knowledge. Read on.